10 Reason Why We Need Music, Dance and Theater in School

1. Music helps kids get involved in school.

Classes like math and English tend to follow a strict curriculum that some students find boring, but music is an enjoyable subject. For some students, music classes motivate them to get up every day and go to school. Student musicians are more likely to stay in school and to do well in other subjects outside of music.

2. Music builds imagination and intellectual interests.

Imagination is a key part of every childhood. Music gives kids a sense of imagination, as well as a good learning experience. Music can take kids to places they have never gone and tell stories they have never heard. When children are taught music at an early age, they develop a good attitude toward learning. Music helps kids develop their whole brain. Most people attribute music to the right side of the brain, but elements like tempo and pitch include the left side too.

3. Music improves self confidence.

Every time a kid learns a new song, they develop a sense of accomplishment. It can help build their pride and confidence through the support of their family and teachers. Music can also improve communication skills, which will benefit children as they get older.

4. Music improves academics.

Students who study music are more likely to excel in other subjects as well because it helps develop their critical thinking.

5. Music expands kids’ vocabulary.

Kids that learn music develop areas of the brain that pertain to language and reasoning. Learning songs can also improve a child’s memorization skills.

6. Music teaches children a variety of cultures.

Music can take people to incredible places and give them an insight into other cultures. There is always history to learn behind each song, and every song teaches kids a different lesson.

7. Music helps people conquer their fears.

For all the children who are shy and afraid to get up in front of people, music provides a safe and fun way to conquer their fear and get out of their comfort zone.

8. Music provides a time for relaxation.

School is stressful, and it’s not always fun, but music classes provide a break. Music gets kids involved and lets them get up and use their voices. For an hour, kids get to have a good time and learn important lessons at the same time.

9. Music helps children learn teamwork.

The only way a choir and a band can function correctly is if everyone is pulling their weight. These groups require learning teamwork and being able to work with others.

10. Music teaches hard work.

Music can sometimes be difficult, but learning to conquer a difficult song teaches kids the value of hard work. One of the best experiences a person can have is performing a song they have worked on for a long time and showing people the end result of all their hard work.